Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer Facts
\\\ Queensland is the skin cancer capital of the world.
\\\ It has one of the highest ultraviolet (UV) index readings.
\\\ 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.
There are three main types of skin cancer:

Basal cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma

The majority of Non-Melanoma skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma & squamous cell carcinoma) and Melanoma are caused by the exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Non-Melanoma skin cancer is more common in men with double the incidence compared to women.
Melanoma is the third most common cancer in Australia for both men and women.
Any changes to skin over a period of weeks or months such as:
Crusty non-healing sores
Small lumps that are red, pale, or pearly in colour
New spots, freckles, or any moles changing in colour, thickness, or shape
May suggest skin cancer and it is strongly recommended to have them checked by a medical practitioner. Early detection of most skin cancer is successfully treated.
Skin Cancer Checks
We provide a comprehensive full skin cancer check and follow up as required for our patient. Skin cancer can occur on areas of the body that do not see the sun. A skin check could save your life.
Skin Cancer Surgery
Surgical removal of skin cancer is the mainstay of treatment, often resulting in high cure rates and good cosmetic results. Skin cancer surgery is a simple day procedure performed under local anaesthetic in our fully equipped theatre. A wide range of skin cancer surgeries include:
Head & Neck Surgery
Melanoma with Wide Local Excision
Margin Control Surgery
Skin Graft and Flap Repair
Photodynamic Therapy
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a highly effective, non-invasive treatment to eradicate superficial skin cancers and Actinic Keratosis (Sunspots) while delivering excellent cosmetic results. The procedure consists of an application of a topical drug (photosensitizer) to the skin lesions followed by exposure to light energy of a specific wavelength.
The light energy activates the photosensitizer to destroy cancerous and precancerous cells. A unique treatment restoring new life back to weathered and aged skin in areas that have been complex to treat.
Digital Imaging
Dermatoscopy is a highly accurate, non-invasive diagnostic technique to assist in evaluating the skin aspects that are non-accessible to the naked eye.
The primary benefit is that it can analyse skin lesions accurately. Images are taken during the consultation to assist in the diagnosis and follow up of any future changes.
Melanoma Follow Up
The purpose of Melanoma follow-up is to detect melanoma recurrences and any new primary melanomas.
After the excision of melanoma, we follow up with patients every 3 months for the first two years and less frequently thereafter.
Follow up is suggested to patients who have a strong family history, dysplastic naevus syndrome (multiple unusual moles), or a history of one or more previously primary melanomas.